Dienstag, 31. Mai 2011

I Hate Blogger.

Aaargh, blogger is driving me mad (>.<). Obviously, I can post again (thank god), but I can't comment at other blogs any more. Hmpf.
Well, I'm sorry, but the giveaway has to wait a bit, I'm pretty busy with exams at the moment, and during Ascension I'll be in Italy for a few days, so I won't have internet.
I wish you a nice holiday (if you have one)!

2 Kommentare:

  1. Blogger bekommt sich schon wieder ein.
    Viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiel Erfolg bei deinen Prüfungen! Und viel Spaß in Italien!

    Ich drücke dir beide Daumen!

  2. Danke schön! Naja wird schon schiefgehen^^
