Dienstag, 19. Juni 2012

Little Treat

Yay, I'm done with my exams! No matter how they turn out, I have a long summer break before me, which I'm really looking forward to.
Right on time as a little treat for all the learning of the past few weeks, this morning a parcel arrived for me:

...and inside was:

Aren't they absolutely adorable, fabulous, awesome, mindblowing and beautiful? I've wanted these for ages, but never really had the money or just other priorities (^.-) but since I sold a few shoes of mine recently, I thought their time had come to be added to my shoe collection.

I'm happy they fit perfectly, I ordered them online and as always, you can't be 100% sure whether they really fit, especially because my feet tend to be not very cooperative with high heels (that's why I actually prefer buying shoes in a store).

I'm already making plans to coordinate them, whole new outfits spring to my mind when admiring them. Is it crazy to build an outfit on shoes? I mean, normally I see a piece of fabric and I get inspired, or I take a skirt or jsk and make an outfit around it, and in the end I add a matching pair of shoes, not the other way round. Well, maybe it's the heat that makes me slightly dizzy (^.^)

Now I have to break them in, wish me luck that I won't get too many blisters (>.<)

10 Kommentare:

  1. Die Schuhe haben mich auch schon oft angelächelt. :)

  2. Woah, hot! Definitely not my style but no doubt, a great design!
    And no, it is totally normal to build up an outfit on shoes, I do it all the time, chosing first the shoes I want to wear and then go and search for matching garments in my wardrobe.

    1. that's great, I'm glad I'm not the only crazy person ^^ (no offence ;-) )

  3. Die Schuhe sind ja der Wahnsinn. ^-^

  4. hey glückwunsch, dass der kram jetzt erstmal wieder rum ist :)

    bin gespannt, wozu du die schühchen trägst. die sind ja nicht so lolita :> zumindst denke ich da eher an glam rock :)

    1. Danke! <3
      Zu Punk oder Gothic Lolita passen sie eigentlich schon... oder im Zweifelsfall Ero Lolita ^^ aber für Glam Rock bin ich ja auch immer zu haben ^^
