Mittwoch, 7. Dezember 2011

Christmas Giveaway!

Hi my lovely readers,

Chrismas, my favourite time of the year, is approaching, and I'm really looking forward to it.
Since Christmas is traditionally the time of making and recieveing presents, how could I leave out my wonderful readers, who stay true to my little blog whatever happens and encourage me to go on with it.
So to say thank you, get prepared for the awesome

Take part and win a sparkling surprise!

That's how it works:
-Be a follower of my blog
-Leave a comment and tell me what you like best about Christmas:
Is it the presents? The scent of oranges and cinnamon? Or maybe the fact that you can tell everyone how much you hate it? Be honest, be funny, be creative!
-For an extra sympathy point, make sure to do some promotion for my blog (*har har*) and write about this giveaway on your blog, twitter, facebook... feel free to use the banner above!
-Don't forget to link your entry and also give me a possibility to contact you (you know... just in case you'll win...)

Deasline is Tuesday, 20.12.2011 23.59 pm, so the sparkling surprise will hopefully arrive on time to open it on Christmas eve!

I hope many of you participate!

6 Kommentare:

  1. Awww, I love giveaways *__*
    So, what do I like best? Hm, my favourite thing is the look on the faces when people open my presents for them. It always gives me a good feeling when I see that my presents are appreciated and that I found just the right things for someone. And wrapping presents! I love that ^^
    But actually there are very few things that I don't like about Christmas XD

    I wrote about your Giveaway on my blog, here you can find the entry:

  2. Ich mag Weihnachten nicht, weil ich da immer so viel arbeiten muss und alle Leute verlangen , dass ich mich zerreisse nur um bei ihnen zu sein :I Dabei will ich nur meine Ruhe haben....
    Aber schön finde ich es Ruhe zu haben, den Winter zu genießen und die Gemütlichkeit zu dieser Zeit.

    Hier noch ein Link zu meinem Blog:

  3. Juchuuu, Giveaway!

    Also, ehrlich gesagt: Ich liebe Weihnachten! Nicht das Gehetze in den Straßen und das zwanghafte Suchen nach Geschenken, sondern die kleinen Dinge. Das Plätzchen backen, wenn die ganze Wohnung danach riecht, Lebkuchenhäuschen, Tee, Wichteln mit der WG, Glühwein am Christkindlmarkt, wenn es draußen schon dunkel ist. Und ganz besonders die stillen Momente, wenn man mal in eine Kirche geht, wo es ruhig ist und sich mal darauf besinnt, was Weihnachten eigtl ist. Ich glaube, genau das fehlt vielen... Das zur Ruhe kommen, das die Adventszeit eigtl ausmachen soll.

    Bloggen tu ich leider nicht, darum hab ich keinen Link ;)

    lg, Maria

  4. What I like best about Christmas is the secrecy. I've somehow made a habit of teasing people like "Do you know what I'll get you? Do you want to guess?" and some of them do the same, thats so funny ^^
    And the sweets. I've just recently discovered my love for "Dominosteine" (I don't think there's an englisch word?).
    Ah I also posted about your giveaway:
    A Merry Christmas to all of you,

  5. huhu^^

    so, bevor es zu spät ist möchte ich auch noch mitmachen (ich hatte es mir schon die ganze Zeit vorgenommen...)
    Was ich an Weihnachten besonders mag? Am meisten mag ich die Gemütlichkeit daheim, wenn es draußen kalt ist und man es innen schön warm hat! :-)
    Aber auch die ganze Weihnachtsbeleuchtung in den Städten macht mich einfach glücklich!

    Hier ist mein Link zum deinem Gewinnspiel^^

    Frohe Weihnachten wünsche ich dir! *drück*
    Alles Liebe,

  6. Long time I hesitated, thinking it's not fair to participate when commenting so rarely (shame on me, I promise I'll do better next year).
    But now I decided to give it a try, I am just to curious what the surprise will be and 'sparkling' is always something you can catch me with. *gg*
    What I love most about Christmas are the smells: The pine scent of the Christmas tree, Orange and cinneamon scent of the tea, the Smell of sugar and Apples from the cookies and, most of all, the cold, clear, earthy scent you smell taking a deep breath in a snowy, winterly forrest.

    I wrote about your Giveaway on my blog, better late than never, if you can translate it into English literally. I'm sorry I didn't do it earlier:
