I hope you had a great time and a lot of fun during Neew Year's Eve. Me for my part was celebrating with some other Lolitas, we had a location resevered only for us, made crèpes for dinner and had a lovely time. Photos will follow as soon as I recieve the good ones (^.^)
I lately came over this website with lots of lovely Victorian fashion, and, very interesting, a guide to go ice skating like a lady!
I found the Victorian Skating Rules very entertaining, so I thought I'd share them with you:
1. Avoid skates which are strapped on the feet, as they prevent the circulation, and the foot becomes frozen before the skater is aware of it, because the tight strapping benumbs the foot and deprives it of feeling. A young lady at Boston lost a foot in this way; another in New York her life, by endeavoring to thaw her feet in warm water after taking off her skates. The safest kind are those which receive the forepart of the foot in a kind of toe, and stout leather around the heel, buckling in front of the ankle only, thus keeping the heel in place without spikes or screws, and aiding greatly in supporting the ankle.
2. It is not the object so much to skate fast, as to skate gracefully; and this is sooner and more easily learned by skating with deliberation; while it prevents overheating, and diminishes the chances of taking cold by cooling off too soon afterward.
3. If the wind is blowing, a veil should be worn over the face, at least of ladies and children: otherwise fatal inflammation of the lungs, "pneumonia," may take place.
4. Do not sit down to rest a single half minute; nor stand still, if there is any wind; nor stop a moment after the skates are taken off; but walk about, so as to restore the circulation about the feet and toes, and to prevent being chilled.
5. It is safer to walk home than to ride; the latter is almost certain to give a cold.
6. It would be a safe rule for no child or lady to be on skates longer than an hour at a time.
7. The grace, exercise, and healthfulness of skating on the ice can be had, without any of its dangers, by the use of skates with rollers attached, on common floors; better, if covered with oil-cloth.
from "Hall's Journal of Health", 1864
Do you enjoy going ice skating? Or what are your favourite activities in winter?
Ich mag Schlittschuhlaufen eigentlich total gern (wir haben hier sogar eine Halle, auf einen See oder so würde ich mich wohl eher nicht trauen), nur leider komme ich irgendwie nie dazu.
AntwortenLöschenUND ich kenne nicht besonders viele, die Eislaufen können. *g*
(Das erschwert das Event zusätzlich)
Haha, die Regeln sind voll niedlich XD
AntwortenLöschenIch kann leider nicht wirklich Schlittschuhlaufen, auch wenn ich als Kind Eiskunstläuferin werden wollte ^^" Letztes Jahr hab ichs mal ausrobiert und mit ein bisschen Übung kann ich mich vielleicht auf den Beinen halten :D
Ich kann auch nciht Skifahren oder sonstigen Wintersport, deswegen verbring ich den Winter entweder drinnen oder ich geh im Schnee spazieren *__* ber leider hatten wir diesen Winter noch überhaupt keinen Schnee -.-